Did You Know??  To savor the aroma of wine, fill wine glasses🍷no more than 2/3 full- the space at the top gives room for the wine breathe

5:00 pm - 9:00 pm Rich Harvest Winery Price: $5 - Purchase

Couples, friends, singles!
Join us for an elegant Valentine’s Day evening with the smooth vocals and pianistic talents of Bobby Gadoury!

Bobby is an excellent pianist and silky crooner.
You hear the fusion of classical disciplines and
cool jazz, blues and popular music, from Sinatra to John Legend. Throughout his performance
he finesses the American songbook with class
and sophistication.
You can drop in anytime, he’ll be entertaining
6:30 – 9:00pm.
Doors open at 5:00pm
Dining will be available starting at 6:00pm with a meatless, vegan as well as meat filled pasta choices.
Desserts, of course!

If you wish to reserve a table, check the ticket option for $5 

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