Did You Know??  To savor the aroma of wine, fill wine glasses🍷no more than 2/3 full- the space at the top gives room for the wine breathe

6:00 pm - 10:00 pm RICH HARVEST WINERY
3010 G RD
Price: $27-$30 - Purchase

This will be a magical evening. Guests will bid farewell to 2023 while enjoying amazing food; ring in the New Year with libations and the music of Now and Forever a 3 piece band.
Capping off the evening with fireworks at 10.
Menu $30 beef/ $27 chicken
6-7PM Appetizers
7PM Dinner – Choose Smoked Brisket or Chicken, Cheesy potatoes, Vegetable, Roll, Dessert
Sparkling Wine cocktails
You are invited! Please RSVP with your ticket.

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